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We are a year 5 class and we would like to tell you about internet safety.


What could you do to help?


  • Keep all personal information to yourself!

  • Don't give out any passwords!

  • Only talk to people who you know in real life.

  • Only play games with people you know in real life.

  • Keep all school information out of pictures.

  • Ensure your phone apps are not using your location.

  • If you see anything you do not like, REPORT THEM and TELL AN ADULT!

  • Finally, spread this butter of a website on the bread of the internet.






Us year fives have been studying internet safety in school and we have decided to create a web page to keep people safe when browsing. As you know, Internet safety is really important to everyone because it is widely used throughout the world. We have decided that it was especially important for children to be safe online. Internet safety should be used for social media websites, games and personal information. We will add separate pages to focus on each of these aspects individually, to provide you with the best and safest possible guidance.   


What is internet safety?


Internet safety is a set of rules or tools to use when online. For example if you are Christmas shopping online and a pop-up asks for your personal information, should you click it? NO! This is because you're not sure what you are signing up for. The best thing to do in that situation is to talk to an adult you trust. 

With technology advancing as we speak, we need to keep our details secure and ensure our personal knowledge on internet safety is up to date. 


Why do we need internet safety?


We need internet safety because if you find yourself in a situation where you need help, internet safety rules will guide you. If we had no internet safety, your accounts would easily get hacked and the internet would become a hazardous place. For example, you could give your computer a virus which would also infect your documents or pictures.  Internet safety keeps your information safe at all times. You wouldn't leave all your money out for people to take, would you? 



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